WARNING: Some boring marketing statistics are coming... but you asked...
THIS IS NOT REQUIRED READING... and you will not be tested, but FYI...
'100% Educational Videos' was established in 1992 with the company mission set to provide quality, elementary, curriculum-coordinated videos to public and private schools in the US.
And while other companies marketed to districts and states, we went straight to teachers. And over the years we became more obsessed with creating content specifically for grades K-5. Why -- because they have the best teachers of course -- and the kids are pretty awesome too!
And today tens of thousands of teachers still use our DVDs in the classroom! Whoo hoo!
We still offer our DVDs over at schoolvideos.com if that's your style. No judgements here. :)
But in 2005, we partnered exclusively with a popular streaming platform and as a result in recent years our videos have now been used in millions of lessons in almost every district and in over half a million K-5 classrooms. Double whoo-hoo!
Now -- in addition to still being available through that popular streaming service -- we created our own schoolvideos.tv platform. It is smaller, yes -- and less popular, yes -- BUT we priced our subscriptions low so individual teachers could have personal access and more choices about what they choose to use in their classrooms.
And, we are only focused on K-5 teachers and students ... cause they are the best!
So if you are an old friend and have used our videos in your lessons before, we thank you and we appreciate your loyalty and your support. If there are any features and benefits you are not already getting from other services we hope this subscription is a valuable supplement for you to consider.
And if you are unfamiliar with 100% Educational Videos™ brand or have not yet seen our videos, we welcome you. Please give us a try and we guarantee you will save time and money and increase learning and comprehension like tens of thousands of other teachers do every day. Supercharge your lessons with these fun and engaging '100% Educational Videos™' all year long and include in your lessons for years to come.